The 2019 Board members are:

Kersti Lasiewski, President
I became active in the Friends of the Library soon after retirement, primarily sorting books and working at the book sales, primarily in the “special price” area. Eventually I became an officer and served as vice-president, and secretary. Now I find myself president and hope the future is as fulfilling as the past several years have been. I believe that the library is a very important hub in our community and want everybody to enjoy it as much as I have.
Kim Elston, Secretary:
I have been a member of the Friends board since 2004, when answering an appeal for new board members allowed me to fulfill a childhood dream to work in a library (or at least work for a library!). I thoroughly enjoy talking with folks about who the Friends are and how we provide funding to the library for the community’s benefit.
Donna Kimber, Treasurer
When looking for volunteer opportunities I realized that the service I could not live without was the library. I’m working to insure that the library survives! Love my library!

Sandra Mason, 1st Vice President
I have many years experience in Libraries. While in London I worked for a local library before leaving to join the National Book League to do book research. After moving to Arroyo Grande, I worked at both Cuesta College Library and the old Arroyo Grande Library on Bridge Street before going to the County Clerkâs Office. With my love of books, upon retirement I joined the Friends of the Library and have been on the Board ever since.
Louise Clark, 2nd Vice President
I have been with Friends about 2 years now and enjoy my work with the library. It has been a good place to make friends and help the library. I have lived on the Central Coast since 2012. Before retiring, I did medical billing
2022 Friends of the Arroyo Grande Library Slate of Officers is listed below. A ballot is included on page 1 of the Library Insider. Completed ballots can be dropped off at the library by April 9th in the ballot box at the check out counter. The results will be announced at our annual meeting on April 12th. At this time, however, it is uncertain whether the meeting will be in person or via zoom.
President Kersti Lasiewski
1st VP Sandra Mason
2nd VP Louise Clark
Secretary Kim Elston
Treasurer Donna Kimber